Host your portfolio site with GCP Cloud Storage in a few steps

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  • Google Cloud Platform account

Step 1: Create a new Google Cloud Storage bucket

Before starting, you should create a new GCP project for this lab for better resource management (we can delete this project after finishing to save money as all underlying resources will be deleted as well).

From the dashboard, navigate to the Cloud Storage page (search "cloud storage" in the search bar) as below and create a new bucket.

GCP Cloud Storage dashboard

Click the "CREATE BUCKET" button to create a new storage bucket, we will upload all portfolio files to this bucket later then.

Config the bucket as below image, as the bucket name is globally unique, you need to find your own name, it can be whatever, as long as it is not being used by anyone in GCP.

Create a new cloud storage bucket to store portfolio files

Name: any globally unique name, location: Asia, location type: Multi-region, Default storage: Standard, Public access prevention: off, Access control: Uniform, Protection tools: none.

Step 2: Upload your portfolio files to the cloud storage bucket

I will use a sample portfolio template from which can be downloaded here: Extract the zip file and upload all files to the bucket created above.

Upload all portfolio files (HTML, CSS, JS) to the storage bucket

Step 3: Allow public users to access the storage bucket

The storage bucket needs to allow the public users access to our portfolio site, from the bucket details page, select the PERMISSIONS tab and add new permission as below image:

Add new permission to allow public user access storage bucket

Principals: allUsers, role: Storage Object Viewer.

You can verify the configuration as an above image or access the public URL of the bucket:{your-bucket-name}/index.html

In my case, the bucket name is trung-tran-portfolio-bucket, you will need to use your own.

Next, go back to the cloud storage index page and Edit website configuration of your bucket.

Click on the 3-dot menu and select Edit website configuration
Set index.html as the Index (main) page suffix.

Step 4: Expose your site via GCP Load Balancing

Navigate to the Load Balancing page and create a new HTTP(S) Load Balancing.

Go to the Load Balancer page and create a new HTTP load balancing
Config the public load balancer as above
Name the load balancer & create a backend bucket
Name the backend bucket & select the Cloud Storage bucket you created before (press select & the create)
Keep default settings for Host and path rules, Frontend configuration

The load balancer will be responsible for routing all traffic to the storage bucket, which serves as the static web server.

After the HTTP load balancer is created, go to the detail page and get the frontend IP address.

Go to load balancer detail & capture the Frontend IP address 

Step 5: Finish the setup & observe the output.

The portfolio is successfully published via load balancer IP

Optionally, if you want to have a custom domain for your portfolio, go to your DNS manager site and add an A record point to the IP V4 of the load balancer.

Congrats, you finish the lab and successfully host your own portfolio profiles in Google Cloud Platform using Cloud Storage & Load Balancer. Hope you enjoy the journey and learn helpful knowledge.